Macs appoints new Joint MD

McMullen’s, the independent Hertfordshire brewer and pub operator, announces the appointment of Tom McMullen as Joint Managing Director with effect from 6th August 2015. He joins Peter Furness-Smith who has been Managing Director since 1998.

McMullens has brewed beer in Hertford since 1827 and owns 130 pubs across London and the South East. Tom, aged 39, is sixth generation of the founding family.

Following a career as a corporate tax solicitor in the City, Tom subsequently gained an MBA at Imperial College, London, before joining the Company in 2010. Since then he has held a number of roles across the Company and was appointed to the Board in 2013 together with Heydon Mizon, the Retail Director.

The founding family has always been strongly involved in the running of the Company and is currently represented by two of the seven executive directors on the Board. In addition to Tom, Fergus McMullen (also sixth generation) is the executive director with responsibility for production and sales.

Charles Brims, Chairman, said “Tom has made an excellent contribution to the Company’s success and I congratulate him on this appointment. We have a strong management team, with a healthy mix of family and independent directors”.

Peter Furness-Smith, Joint MD, said “I have enjoyed working closely with Tom who has brought a refreshing perspective to the opportunities facing our industry.  He has demonstrated good leadership and I look forward to working with him in the coming years as we implement our successful long term strategy”.

McMullens increased its pre-tax profits by 22% to £9.25m for the year ended 27th September 2014. The recently published half year accounts show a further increase of 15%. It has a strong balance sheet which enables the Company to acquire new pubs as the opportunities arise.

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